Pet Adoption Form Name*Phone Number*Email* State & City*Is this your first time owning a Saint Bernard dog?* Yes No Do you have other pets home?* Yes No List the pets you currently have home* Click on the "+" to enter a add a new column.How many people live in your household*Do you have kids home?*Have you discussed about getting a puppy with them? And is everyone on board?* Yes No I am still to talk to them It is important that everyone living home welcomes the dog. So, they will feel well loved.Do you own your own home or have you obtained a permit from your landlord to keep a dog?* Yes I own my own home Yes I have obtained a permit from my landlord A permit is not required and I have verified this info Is there a fenced yard?* Yes, I have a fenced yard I have a yard but it is not fenced No, I do not have a Yard How many hours a day would the puppy be left alone?*If you have owned or currently own a Saint Bernard, do you mind sharing with us their health records if available.Take a photo with your phone then click on browse to attach the file. You can also skip this and email us the health records or shots records directly by email.Why do you want to buy the Saint Bernard puppy?* I recently lost my dog so need another one For emotional support / as a therapy dog Not certain, I just want one For Breeding As a show dog Tell Us About Yourself*In just a few words, tell us about yourself and why you think now is the best time for you to have a new puppy.Will you be coming for pickup or prefer we ship?* I would rather pickup the puppy in person I would need you to ship the puppy to me In just a few lines describe what's your take on violence towards pets & animals and share with us your methods for disciplining a dog.* This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.